How to Help Your Little One Sleep More Soundly

Is there anything worse than finally getting your little one to sleep, just so that he can be woken up 5 minutes later by a knock at the door or a phone ringing?  It’s probably time to invest in a sound machine!

White noise is the perfect solution to help your Little Snoozer sleep more soundly.   A sound machine on white noise will help block out “background” noises.  Whether the background noises are from in the house (phone, TV, floors, doors, etc.) or outside (dogs, sirens, fireworks, airplanes, etc.), the consistent white noise will provide your little one with the uninterrupted atmosphere that will promote sleep.   It is suggested that the sound machine not be near the child or crib, rather on the opposite side of the room on a low volume. 

What about music playing while they snooze?  Playing music is actually stimulating and will potentially create a bad habit of having to have the music played to sleep.  Unlike “white noise”, which is non-habit forming and not stimulating.

Which sound machine is the best you make ask … although they probably all work great, we have been really happy with our HoMedics SoundSpa Sound Machine.  They are between $20-25 and are worth every penny!

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