Parenting is Easy...

… said no one ever. But why make it harder than it has to be?

I remember before sleep training my son, Colin, my husband and I wondered how people had more than one child. One was exhausting enough! Getting up numerous times a night, unorganized naps, trying to figure out if he was crying because he was still hungry even though he ate 30 minutes prior, a chaotic day where Colin called the shots … When he was 6 months old, we sleep trained him. It was the best thing we have ever done. He was then getting the healthy sleep he needed and he was a happier baby because of it. Naps and feedings were structured and he really loved the predictability of his day. We saw that the consolidated night sleep was so much better for him, and us. When we put him down for the night, he was drowsy but awake and would look up at us and smile, and as he got older he would wave goodbye to us, and we knew that we were doing the best thing for our little boy. Wake ups were just as happy and cheerful and would bring a smile to all of our faces, which just confirmed our decision to make sleep a priority.

Why am I writing about this right now? We are at it again! My daughter, Molly, hit that 4 month marker this week. At 4 months of age, circadian rhythms and biological clocks are developed, at which point you can sleep train. We started tonight. Is it fun? No. Will we all be getting a little less sleep for a couple days while sleep training? Yes. Is it completely worth it when our daughter will soon be a happy independent sleeper? Absolutely! My husband and I know that our little Molly will accept and thrive with her new sleep schedule and soon will be smiling back at us as we put her down for the night.

Looking forward to Molly becoming the newest Little Snoozer!

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